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The article analyzes the effect of two-frequency electromagnetic waves in the regime of a powerful highfrequency signal on an anisotropic medium above hydrocarbons. The components of the tensors of the dielectric constant of the medium above the deposits are investigated. The introduction of various methods and equipment for the search for hydrocarbons based on the analysis of the material and phase components of the combined elements of the dielectric constant tensor of the medium over hydrocarbons is proposed. The characteristics of the medium above hydrocarbons for electromagnetic waves with right and left circular polarizations are investigated depending on the frequency, the ratio of signal amplitudes and specific conductivity. The modes of sounding of anisotropic media over hydrocarbons are recommended to increase the productivity of geological exploration and the accuracy of determining the boundaries of hydrocarbon deposits.

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How to Cite
YANUSHKEVICH, V., ABRAMENKO, S., KALINTSEV, S., & BOGUSH, V. (2021). HIGH-FREQUENCY SENSING MODES USING TWO-FREQUENCY SIGNALS FOR SEARCHING HYDROCARBONS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (4), 82-87. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/fundamental/article/view/862
Author Biographies

V. YANUSHKEVICH, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.

V. BOGUSH, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk

д-р физ.-мат. наук, проф.


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