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The Bible, as the «axial» archetext of European and – more widely – Judeo-Christian – culture, is one of the most reinterpreted texts. Approaches to it correlate with the main approaches to the analysis of the artistic text as a whole and reflect their historical dynamics and interdependences. That is precisely the subject of analysis in this paper: from the religious method of exegesis and hermeneutics of the sacred text to the cultural and historical literary approach based on J. G. Herder and J. W. Goethe, then to the historically-critical and also historically-genetic methods, which were replaced by the «The History of the Spirit» (Geistesgeschichte) school founded by W. Dilthey and the method of «Form Criticism», or genre criticism, born out of it (Formgeschichte, Gattungsforschung) and created by H. Gunkel. Only by the middle of the 20th century, when the schools of «Work Interpretation» (Werkinterpretation), «The New Criticism», and the school of structuralism appeared under the influence of the Russian «Formal School», did the approach to the work of art (including the Bible) as an organic unity of form and content, as an integral universe, finally emerge. In this paper, the synthesis of cultural and historical analysis, of the hermeneutic method, structural analysis and the method of total interpretation of the text is seen as the most acceptable approach to the study of the biblical text.

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G. SINILO, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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