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The article deals with the subject of the agreement with the devil as one of the art forms of the embodiment of the concept of destiny in German romanticism on the examples of works by A. von Chamisso, E.T.A.Hoffmann and J.von Arnim. The image of Faust endures the impact of the Enlightenment era, and then is transformed into a new form of Anti-Faust as the embodiment of mind distrust. Human nature is contradictory, that leads to the fall of man (Arnim, Chamisso), or the victory of demonic forces (Hoffmann). The concept of the Chamisso`s fate includes the idea of finding happiness, of physical and moral suffering, the idea of voluntary self-restraint of the individual. Hoffmann claims the idea of tragic impotence and illusive nature of human hopes. Arnim`s idea of fate corresponds to the idea of Divine providence. The conceptual content of the notion of fate is determined by specific and definite historical conditions and principles, forming the philosophical basis for Heidelberg and late Romanticism world outlook.

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How to Cite
HARDZIAYONAK, T. (2016). THEME OF THE FAUSTIAN BARGAIN AND CONCEPT OF FATE IN GERMAN ROMANTICISM. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 53-57. Retrieved from
Author Biography

T. HARDZIAYONAK, Polotsk State University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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