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The article is devoted to E. Hemingway’s epistolary heritage which is an essential source for the studies of his life and creative work. Some extracts from the writer’s letters are translated into Belarusian for the first time. Special attention is drawn to the entries devoted to the war events the first part of the twentieth century was rich in. It is pointed out that the artist’s attitude to the military conflicts was changing. High-mindedness and enthusiasm born by the participation in WWI gave way to the complete disillusionment after the Spanish Civil War. The same tendency was proved in 1944 in France. Being a mature person the writer tried to evaluate his participation in total and local conflicts objectively. This fact is obvious from his letters. Personal notes deny some notes about E. Hemingway as a valorous person.

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How to Cite
TRATSIAK, Z. (2016). WAR REALITY INTERPRETATION IN E. HEMINGWAY’S EPISTOLARY HERITAGE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 103-107. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/4356
Author Biography

Z. TRATSIAK, Polotsk State University

канд. філал. навук, дац.


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