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The article analyzes the image of Courage in the writings of H.J.Ch. Grimmelshausen, A. von Arnim, B. Brecht, and G. Grass. The image the woman at war appears as a writer’s reaction to the critical social situation. The features of Grimmelshausen’s Courage as a character and as a symbolicl figure are revealed. The reception of this image, variations in its interpretation in the works by A. von Arnim, B. Brecht, and G. Grass are discussed. The meaning of the image of Courage depends on the pecularities of distinct periods in the German literature and also reflects writers’ personal aesthetic standpoints.

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How to Cite
HARDZIAYONAK, T. (2021). FIGURE OF COURAGE IN THE GERMAN LITERATURE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 2-7. Retrieved from
Author Biography

T. HARDZIAYONAK, Polotsk State University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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