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The article deals with the issues of personnel policy in relation to the heads of local government bodies – the chairmen of the executive committees of the Soviets of the period of "developed socialism". In the 1960s and 1980s, there were models of career growth worked out in practice, which assumed consistent, starting from grassroots leadership positions, and gradual, without sudden jerks, promotion along the vertical of power and management. Based on the analysis of statistical material and the study of the biographies of specific heads of local state bodies, three main trajectories of their career growth are distinguished: "Soviet-economic", "party-Soviet", "combined". It is noted that the most common was the third option – "combined": the alternation of party, Soviet and economic nomenclature positions. Institutional factors of career growth are highlighted: membership in the CPSU, higher specialized technical or agricultural education, higher party-political education, age and work experience in lower positions (including the beginning of work as workers or collective farmers).

The article was prepared as part of the task of the state scientific research program "Society and Humanitarian Security of the Belarusian State", subprogram "History", topic "Local government bodies of the Byelorussian SSR – the Republic of Belarus: organizational, legal, material, financial and personnel foundations of functioning (1944–2020)" for 2021–2025.

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How to Cite
ELIZAROV, S. (2024). MODELS AND INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS OF THE CAREER OF HEADS OF LOCAL PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND MANAGEMENT (1965–1985). Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (3), 98-102.
Author Biography

S. ELIZAROV, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel

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