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The article is devoted to the analysis of Anatole France’s novel “Penguin Island”. This novel is one of the most difficult works possessing the grotesque-ironic basis that allows the existence of various interpretations. The storyline and composition of “Penguin Island” are organized in accordance with the concept of a “close spiral” describing five interrelated levels of development of the individual and society. By A. France the spiral turns are periods of historical development of France: Ancient times, Middle Ages and Renaissance, New time, The newest time. The storyline-compositional spiral is presented in a condensed form, as it is reinterpreted and sharpened with satire and allegory. In the novel, each turn of the spiral reflects some universal questions such as panhuman, socially-public, militaristic, anticlerical which the writer criticizes.

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How to Cite
JILEVICH, O. (2018). THE CONCEPT OF «CLOSE SPIRAL» IN ANATOLE FRANCE’S PHILOSOPHICAL AND ALLEGORICAL NOVEL «PENGUIN ISLAND». Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 109-114. Retrieved from
Author Biography

O. JILEVICH, Polessky State University, Pinsk

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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