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The article deals with poetics and ideas of the antifascist short stories by Franz Fühmann, German writer active in the second half of the 20th century. His short stories chronologically depict basic phases of the Nazism growth in Germany, from its rise and heyday to the fall and the understanding of the guilt. Fühmann’s main task is to take lesson out of mistakes made in the past through the image of the “Big Lie theory”. The evolution of Franz Fühmann’s artistic method is also analyzed, with its gradual turn, in 1960-s, from the realistic writing towards historical analogies represented as myths. As a result, the interaction of symbolic images, paradoxes and antitheses in short stories by Franz Fühmann is highlighted.

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How to Cite
HARDZIAYONAK, T., & LINKEVICH, A. (2019). NAZI PAST REVISITED IN FRANZ FÜHMANN’S SHORT STORIES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 47-52. Retrieved from
Author Biography

T. HARDZIAYONAK, Polotsk State University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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