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The article reveals the specifics of the problems of philosophical and allegorical prose by S. Germain. In his works, the author raises the moral and philosophical problem. The main problem of being is the origin of evil in the world. S. Germain portrays its various sources: war, murder, violence, incest, as well as anger in love, jealousy, authoritarianism; and asks a question about the meaning of human life. The article notes that the problem is in the motivations of the death of a loved one. The author of the article mentions three stages of the evolutionary disclosure of the problems of evil and the silence of God in philosophical and allegorical prose of S. Germain. First of all, in this story you can find peace, fairy tales, but also unhappiness. The second stage is the location of Prague and the type of hero – an adult, alienated after the departure of a loved one, who is in search of the infinity of being. In search of the third stage, orphaned heroes are in search of themselves and their past, and they are trying to find the answer to the main question about God’s existence.

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How to Cite
JILEVICH, O. (2019). TOPICS AND PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHICAL AND ALLEGORICAL PROSE BY S. GERMAIN. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 83-87. Retrieved from
Author Biography

O. JILEVICH, Polessky State University, Pinsk

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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