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Based on the formulated concepts of design-based in additive synthesis, a decision support system is proposed for basing (orientation) models of machine parts in the working area of a 3D-printer, the essence of which is to consistently determine and identify possible compositions of surface orientation bases, determine the parameters of geometric accuracy of a 3D-printer, form a basic coordinate system (by superimposing geometric connections on the model) and its binding to the coordinate system of a 3D-printer. With the help of the system, already at the design stage, it is possible to predict the accuracy of the tolerances of the mutual distribution of surfaces during 3D-printing and recommend options for basing models of parts in the working area of the printer based on an analysis of its geometric accuracy to ensure these tolerances. The system can be used in: design bureaus of enterprises using 3D-printers; IT-companies for creating and improving slicer programs; educational process for training specialists in the field of manufacturing products based on three-dimensional technologies.

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How to Cite
POPOK, N., BELYAKOV, N., & YASNEV, D. (2022). DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR BASING MODELS OF MACHINE PARTS IN THE WORKING AREA OF 3D-PRINTERS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 9-20. Retrieved from
Machine-building and theoretical engineering
Author Biographies

N. POPOK, Polotsk State University

д-р техн. наук, проф.

N. BELYAKOV, Vitebsk State University of Technology

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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