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It is shown that it is advisable to create the biodegradable greases (the BG) on the basis of the mixture of the vegetable and mineral oils (the mixed dispersion medium) with the choice of the certain ratio between their content, as well as using the single or heterogeneous dispersed phases, based on a given level of the performance of the BG (the rheological and tribological properties) and the required transience of the biodegradation process of the product. At the same time the technological cycle of the obtaining of the greases should ensure the minimal influence of the high temperature and water on the vegetable component of the dispersion medium. For the purpose of the implement of this approach the producing method of the biodegradable soap greases has been applied, in which the alkaline component is introduced into the reaction mass not in the form of the traditionally used aqueous solution, but as the part of the oil suspension. This technological technique is illustrated by the example of the producing technologies of the BG on the calcium (the grease СОЛИДОЛ БИО), lithium-calcium (the grease OIMOL LC BIO) and complex calcium sulfonate (the grease OIMOL KSC BIO) thickeners. The rheological and tribological properties of the developed BG are at the level of their analogues made on the basis of mineral oil with the biodegradability of BG approximately 5.5 times higher. The technological equipment of laboratory (capacity 10 kg/cycle) and industrial (capacity 200 and 2500 kg/cycle) types has been developed and manufactured. The distinctive feature of this equipment is the presence in it of the dispersing circuit connected to the circulation circuit via the bypass system and containing the hydrodynamic disperser that implements the cavitation effect with the possibility of the dispersing of the reaction mass components to the nanosized level. The industrial production of the BG on the thickeners of various types (calcium, lithium-calcium, complex calcium sulfonate, complex lithium) has been organized in accordance with the developed technologies.

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How to Cite
ZHORNIK, V., ZAPOLSKY, A., IVAKHNIK, A., & DUDAN, A. (2022). TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR PRODUCTION BIODEGRADABLE GREASES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 32-43. Retrieved from
Machine-building and theoretical engineering
Author Biographies

V. ZHORNIK, The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

д-р техн. наук, проф.

A. IVAKHNIK, The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

канд. техн. наук

A. DUDAN, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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