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The possibility of use of a method of a colorimetry (systems HSB, RGB, Lab, CMYK) for control of concentration of spirit solutions of methyl red, diamond green and bromfenolicovy blue is investigated. Besides applicability of this method for the analysis behind of concentration of mixture dye is investigated. Concentration of the studied dyes was changed 0,1…1 mg/ml. As the carrier of color filter paper like of type «white ribbon» on which the studied solution was applied previously is used as the carrier. Receiving of the colormetric characteristics was carried out with use of the graphic Photoshop editor with previously washed away image. Communication between concentration of dyes and colormetrical parameters was defined by means of establishment of regressive dependence between them. The correlation coefficient between experimental and settlement data made 0,80…0,99. It is obvious that the RGB system has certain advantages between the used colorimetric systems. At research of determination of concentration of mixture dye calibration on mixture of dyes was used. Accuracy of definition makes about 10%.

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How to Cite
ZILBERGLEIT, M., & MAEVSKAYA, O. (2016). THE COLORIMETRIC METHOD FOR CONTROL OF CONCENTRATION OF ALCOHOL-SOLUBLE DYES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 164-167. Retrieved from
Химические технологии и охрана труда
Author Biography

M. ZILBERGLEIT, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

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