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The article deals with the problem of conducting advanced training of teachers using didactic design. The purpose of the article is to determine the main features and structural elements of professional development of teachers based on the use of web-based learning systems and taking into account the requirements of didactic design. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign studies, definitions of didactic design and a web-based system of additional education for adults are given. The addition of personality-oriented and competence-based approaches to education with cooperative, logistic and constructivist approaches is proposed and substantiated. The principles of teaching are described as methodological regulators of the use of the didactic design of a web-oriented system of additional education for adults. The forms of additional education for adults are presented: online lecture, practical lesson-chat, online round table, web-quest, training. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to further research the problem of developing innovative pedagogical technologies and private methods of advanced training, built taking into account the didactic design of a web-based system of additional education for adults, including pedagogical approaches, goal, didactic principles and organizational and pedagogical conditions, forms and methods of teaching, content and forms of final certification.
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D. PROKHOROV, Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education
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