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For the past decades, phone addiction among young people has turned into a problem of social significance. This article presents the results of a study of Belarusian students. The study tests the correlation between smartphone addiction and self-confidence, the EQ, and a behavior pattern in a conflict situation. According to the results, the respondents with smartphone addiction have a lower self-confidence index and a lower integral index of the EQ, emotional management, and behavior. The results of Belarusian students are like the ones of their foreign peers. These results are relevant for the respondents of all genders. However, the study detected a direct correlation between phone addiction and avoiding pattern in conflict situation in young men’s behavior. What is new is the result about the negative relationship between smartphone addiction and social courage. The identified personality traits allow us to determine a potential risk group more accurately, as well as to identify areas of preventive work for educational institutions.

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How to Cite
SHEINOV, V., & MEDVEDSKAYA, E. (2022). A RELATIONSHIP OF SMARTPHONE ADDICTION, SELF-CONFIDENCE, THE EQ, AND A BEHAVIOR IN A CONFLICT SITUATION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (13), 92-99. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/pedagogical/article/view/2809
Author Biographies

V. SHEINOV, National Institute For Higher Education, Minsk

д-р социол. наук, проф.

E. MEDVEDSKAYA, Brest State A.S. Pushkin University

канд. психол. наук, доц.


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