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The purpose of the research in this article is to substantiate the development of small businesses, clusters, public-private partnerships as the main directions for enhancing activities and developing points of economic growth in the Republic of Belarus. The article uses analytical, economic, statistical methods of data analysis, conceptual and empirical research. The article provides evidence that small business actively participates in the formation of the main economic indicators of the development of the Republic of Belarus, identifies the key problems of the development of small business in the republic and the directions for their solution; the characteristics of the cluster as a driver of economic growth are given, attention is paid to the main goals and objectives, as well as the results of the functioning of the cluster, the use of cluster structures as one of the forms of creating the growth poles of the economy of the Republic of Belarus is substantiated; the legal aspects of the application of the mechanism of public-private partnership are considered, its forms in relation to the sphere of higher education are determined, the advantages for the parties participating in the partnership are highlighted, directions of its use for solving the problems of socio-economic development are proposed.

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How to Cite
VORONKO, E., KOSTUCHENKO, E., & SERADA, T. (2021). PROSPECTIVE DIRECTIONS FOR ACTIVATING POINTS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 21-28.
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