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The research is devoted to the problem of control the environmental component of the company’s activities and considers effectiveness control on environmental issues, problems of selecting key indicators corresponding to the goals of sustainable development and presentation them in a single reporting form. In particular, have been considered various forms of control and special attention have been paid for the effectiveness control of the environmental component. In this regard have been proposed the conceptual framework for identifying ecology-economic indicators appropriate to the goals of sustainable development. Also the proposed criteria for assigning activities to certain risk category will contribute to the identification of risk in the process of environmental issues control. In order to increase transparency of disclosed information has been conducted study of current state of informational and analytical support for the control of ecology-economic indicators in Belarus. The developed appendix to the financial statements “Environmental Report” will help to establish the importance of environmental issues in the organization’s activities when monitoring environmental and economic indicators, improve the effectiveness of control measures in the field of nature protection and prevention of damage caused to the environment by previous activities.

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How to Cite
MASKO, L., & PANKOU, P. (2022). THE CONTROL OF ECOLOGY-ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF BUSINESS ENTITIES ACTIVITY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (12), 52-58.
Экономические науки
Author Biography

L. MASKO, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. экон. наук, доц.


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