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Numerical simulation allows you to narrow the set of parameters in the development of electron-optical systems to obtain a beam with certain characteristics. However, for practical fine-tuning (optimization) of electronoptical systems, appropriate equipment is required, which makes it possible to evaluate the quality of the beam based on comparing the degree of influence of various external factors on the electron-optical parameters of the electron beam - beam divergence, current density distribution over the beam cross section, and the minimum possible beam diameter. In this case, due to the multifactorial nature of the conditions for the formation of electron beams, it is advisable to use complex characteristics, for the calculation of which various hardware and software complexes are used. The increase in the accuracy of the operation of such complexes is significantly influenced by the relative position of the system of sensors of the diagnostic equipment and the electron beam being diagnosed. The paper presents a description and a schematic diagram of the developed system for automatic positioning of diagnostic equipment, the use of which in the study of the distribution of the current density of the electron beam eliminates the error caused by the incorrect location of the scanning sensors relative to the measured electron beam.

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How to Cite
ABRAMENKO, S., GOLUBEV, Y., SOLDATENKO, P., & ANTONOVICH, D. (2020). POSITIONING SYSTEM FOR DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRON BEAM PARAMETERS . Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (12), 65-69. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/fundamental/article/view/462
Author Biographies

Yu. GOLUBEV, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.

D. ANTONOVICH, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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