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The article systematizes the experience of G. Chaucer`s artistic work scholars in order to determine the poet`s contribution into the establishment of the English national identity. Different elements of The Canterbury Tales are subject to analysis: imagery, message, humouristic manner of writing. As a result a conclusion is made that factual information is used by the author of The Canterbury Tales for artistic purposes; author`s personal experience needs to be engaged in creating a chronotope of the XIVth century English city. G. Chaucer specifies the following ways to enable studying the process of national identity formation: illustration of regional differences and mystification of the North; depiction of everyday life in the English universities; references to the country`s historical past; expression of public and personal opinion on historically significant events. The images of the narrator and the author reveal such national character traits as modesty, witty self-criticism and indispensable use of irony.

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SMULKEVICH, A. (2016). THE WAYS TO CREATE A NATIONAL PORTRAIT IN THE CANTERBURY TALES BY G. CHAUCER. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 20-25. Retrieved from


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