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This article analyzes the plots of Scottish, British and Swedish ballads about spell casting and spell breaking. The etymology of the term "lindworm" in British and Scandinavian mythological traditions is examined in detail. Much attention is paid to cultural aspects in the study of Swedish ballads about werewolves. This article is accompanied by a large number of quotes in English and Swedish to illustrate ballad plots under consideration. Plot parallels as well as the pairs with identical storylines among Scottish and Swedish ballads are indicated in the article.

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How to Cite
PAPAKUL, Y. (2019). BALLADS ABOUT SPELL IN SCOTLAND, ENGLAND AND NORTHERN EUROPE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 7-10. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Y. PAPAKUL, Polotsk State University

канд. филол. наук


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