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Social media addiction has become one of the most widespread non-medical addictions. At the same time, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, people began to spend more time on social networks, which now even more affect the lifestyle and psychology of people, study and work. All this made it very relevant to study the dependence on social networks and its impact on all aspects of modern life.

The article reveals a positive relationship between college students' dependence on social networks with anxiety, depression, loneliness, extraversion and life dissatisfaction. The decisive role in these connections is played by the factor “Psychological state” of the network user. Girls tend to be more dependent on social networks and the role of their “Psychological state” depending on social networks is higher than that of boys.

The relationships found in the study of dependence on social networks of college students correspond to those obtained in foreign studies. The negative consequences of dependence on social networks induce, in the process of educational work with students, to explain to them the dangers of being carried away by social networks.

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How to Cite
SHEINOV, V., & DYATCHIK, N. (2021). SOCIAL MEDIA DEPENDENCE AND PERSONAL PROPERTIES OF COLLEGE STUDENTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 98-103. Retrieved from
Author Biography

V. SHEINOV, National Institute For Higher Education, Minsk

д-р социол. наук, проф.


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