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The article analyzes the results of the study of the influence of the subclinical traits ("The Dark Triad") of the mother on the personality characteristics of the youth (aged 17-19 years). Evaluation of the severity of subclinical features of mothers was based on the ideas about them in children.

A common correlation between the mother's Machiavellianism and the respondent's psychopathy was revealed for the sample as a whole, as well as for the samples of young men and women. Gender differences in interrelations between the subclinical features of the mother and the personal characteristics of the respondents are characterized.

It was found that the respondent, regardless of his gender, the mother's Machiavellianism promotes the development of psychopathy, and the mother's narcissism to the development of narcissistic properties. In girls, the development of Machiavellianism is promoted both by the low level of mother's narcissism and by its high level of Machiavellianism. In young men, mother's psychopathy contributes to the occurrence of situational anxiety.

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How to Cite
ANDREYEVA, I., & LIPSKAYA, O. (2017). INFLUENCE OF SUBCLINICAL FEATURES OF THE MOTHER ON PERSONAL FEATURES OF INDIVIDUALS OF YOUNG AGE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 88-97. Retrieved from
Author Biography

I. ANDREYEVA, Polotsk State University

канд. психол. наук, доц.


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