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Interaction between negatively charged hydrogen ions and 3 microns pyrolytic graphite films was investi-gated. Irradiation with 18 MeV H¯ ions in the dose range of 1500–5000 μAh was carried out in a residual vacuum no worse than 4·10–4 Pa on the Cyclone cyclotron of 18/9. Irradiation cycles had the duration of 100–120 minutes, ion current density ~320 μA·cm-2 and average time between cycles ~22 hours. The identification of γ-emitting radio-nuclides and the determination of their activity were performed using the spectrometer on highly pure germanium: GEM40-83/DSPEC jr 2.0 detection system; energy range 14,5–2911,4 keV; resolution 0,182 keV/channel. Indenta-tion was carried out at room temperature on a PMT-3 instrument using the standard procedure. In the γ-spectra of pyrolytic graphite irradiated with H+ ions, lines of nickel 57Ni, cobalt 55Co, 56Co, 57Co, 58Co, manganese 54Mn, and chromium 51Cr were observed. The dominant radionuclide was 51Cr with a half-life of 27,7 days. These radionuclides are formed as a result of nuclear reactions with protons of stable iron isotopes (56Fe, 57Fe, 58Fe), chromium (52Cr, 53Cr, 54Cr) and nickel (58Ni). Microdefects appear in irradiated pyrolytic graphite films – dark spots ~1–5 μm in size. They are unevenly distributed over the surface – there are areas of their clusters and relatively clean areas. The sizes of the areas of defects accumulations were in the range of 50–200 μm, the density varied from 10 to 150 mm–2. At loads over 10 g around the tangency point of the indenter, long radial cracks were observed, the length of which varied depending on the load from 50 to 150 microns. The number of cracks depended on the side of the film on which the indentation was made. On the concave side from the tangency point of the indenter 4 cracks diverged, and on the convex side – 3. This indicates the recrystallization of the film into the diamond lattice during the irradi-ation process. In the region of compression deformations, crystallization occurs in the (111) direction with a more dense atomic packing, and during tensile deformations, the packing is less dense (100).

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How to Cite
VABISHCHEVICH, S., VABISHCHEVICH, N., & BRINKEVICH, D. (2019). RADIATION-INDUCED PROCESSES IN PYROLITIC GRAPHITE FILMS USED IN THE COMMERCIAL CYCLOTRON BEAM OUTPUT SYSTEM. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (12), 32-36. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/fundamental/article/view/426
Author Biographies

S. VABISHCHEVICH, Polotsk State University

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доц.

D. BRINKEVICH, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. физ.-мат. наук


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