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The optical and strength properties of electron-irradiated films of a polyimide composition (polyimide PI2610) deposited on the surface of single-crystalline silicon wafers of the KDB-10 grade by centrifugation were studied. Irradiation with electrons with an energy of 5 MeV was carried out on a linear accelerator U-003 in the dose range 1·1014 – 2·1015 cm–2. It has been experimentally established that at an irradiation dose of Ф = 1∙1014 cm–2, relaxation of elastic stress fields in the polyimide film is observed, which is expressed in modification of the shape of bands with maxima at 1349 and 1700 cm–1, caused by vibrations of the C–N–Cst bond and the C=O double bond imide ring. Polyimide PI-2610 films on silicon are quite stable when irradiated with electrons. A noticeable transformation of the ATR spectrum at a dose of 2∙1015 cm–2 was observed only in the region of stretching vibrations of C–H and O–H bonds, which is due to radiation-induced processes on by-products of polyimide synthesis and residual solvents. No noticeable decrease in the intensity of absorption bands caused by vibrations of the skeleton of the aromatic ring, imide ring, single and double C–C and C–O bonds, and imide C=O bonds was observed.

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How to Cite
VABISHCHEVICH, S., VABISHCHEVICH, N., BRINKEVICH, D., PROSOLOVICH, V., SHULYAKOVSKAYA, M., KOLOS, V., & ZUBOVA, O. (2024). ELECTRON IRRADIATED PI2610 POLYIMIDE FILMS ON MONOCRYSTALLINE SILICON. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (1), 41-46. https://doi.org/10.52928/2070-1624-2024-42-1-41-46
Author Biographies

S. VABISHCHEVICH, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доц.

D. BRINKEVICH, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. физ.-мат. наук

V. PROSOLOVICH, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доц.

V. KOLOS, “INTEGRAL” Joint Stock Company, Minsk

канд. техн. наук


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