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This article analyzes theories of gender socialization, the formation of sexual identity. Describes the four stages of the establishment of gender identity of children of preschool age. Discusses the development of the sexual consciousness of children as a long process. Awareness of gender is critical for development of personality of a preschooler. Indicates the leading role of the family as an institution of gender socialization and parental relationship in the process of gender socialization. Describes the author's projective technique "I am, a girl, a boy," which explores the attitude of preschool children for themselves, children of their own sex and the opposite sex.

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How to Cite
ASTAPCHUK, S., & PUHACH, S. (2017). GENDER SOCIALIZATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN FAMILY CONDITIONS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 103-110. Retrieved from


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