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This article examines the peculiarities of teaching students to translation of English economic texts containing in its structure the zoomorphic metaphors. The metaphoric transfer is widespread enough method of modern economic texts. When translating terms in texts, based on metaphoric migration, it is often used the words in their direct meaning. But this is not always possible, because the picture of the world by the representatives from various countries, often do not match. That’s why the problem of equivalence of terms in English and Russian languages arises. These terms reflect the essence of marketing strategies and economic activity which carry the native speakers of the given language.

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How to Cite
KONYSHEVA, A. (2018). ОБУЧЕНИЕ ПЕРЕВОДУ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ ТЕКСТОВ, СОДЕРЖАЩИХ В СВОЕЙ СТРУКТУРЕ ЗООМОРФНЫЕ МЕТАФОРЫ. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 34-40. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/pedagogical/article/view/86
Author Biography

A. KONYSHEVA, Belarus State Economic University, Minsk

канд. пед. наук, доц.


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